Tuesday 29 September 2009

Spirit Guide Joseph Lister

I introduce you to one of My Spiritual Guides – Joseph Lister who first made himself known to me four years ago. I have experienced some very profound and life changing directions due to this astonishing man. Conditions in operating theaters in hospitals were very unhygienic at the middle of the nineteenth century. As a result some 50 percent of patients died due to infection after surgery.
In 1865, Lister read about the work done by Louis Pasteur on how wine was soured. Lister believed that it was microbes carried in the air that caused diseases to be spread in wards. People who had been operated on were especially vulnerable as their bodies were weak and their skin had been cut open so that germs could get into the body with more ease.
Lister decided that the wound itself had to be thoroughly cleaned. He then covered the wound with a piece of lint covered in carbolic acid. He used this treatment on patients who had a compound fracture. This is where the broken bone had penetrated the skin thus leaving a wound that was open to germs. Death by gangrene was common after such an accident. Lister covered the wound made with lint soaked in carbolic acid. His success rate for survival was very high.
Lister then developed his idea further by devising a machine that pumped out a fine mist of carbolic acid into the air around an operation. The number of patients operated on by Lister who died fell dramatically.
Edward VII came down with appendicitis two days before his Coronation. The surgeons did not dare operate without consulting Britain’s leading surgical authority. The King later told Lister “I know that if it had not been for you and your work, I wouldn’t be sitting here today”.

Due to Joseph’s guidance, for what reason, it is yet not apparent to me; however, I too would not be sitting here today, writing and painting without his intervention. I owe him a great deal and share this picture with you all.
I end this with on of his own quotes:
Sir Joseph Lister [1827-1912]
Father of antiseptic surgery, first to wire fractures, developed dissolving sutures
“I am a believer in the fundamental doctrines of Christianity”

This painting I dedicate to Joseph Lister

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